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Tradescantia Tricolor Care

If you notice your plant reverting to green (sometimes as a result of inadequate light) you'll want to trim any particularly green stems + discard. This allows the plant to put more energy into the pinker, more variegated growth – you can do this any time you give your plant a trim.

How often to water Tradescantia tricolor?

Tradescantia fluminensis Tricolor Watering If it feels wet, let it dry out for longer. Over watering can lead to fungal issues or root rot. Check the soil moisture once a week, and water if necessary.

How do you care for indoor Tradescantia?

How to Grow Tradescantia Zebrina

  1. Use a well-draining potting mix.
  2. Let it shine in a hanging basket.
  3. Give it plenty of indirect light to keep its stripes.
  4. Don't allow T. zebrina to get too dry between waterings.
  5. Feed it plant food to give it a boost.
  6. Pinch back leggy stems to encourage new, fuller growth.
  7. Grow more T.

Is Tradescantia tricolor indoor or outdoor?

An attractive variegated creeper that will grow well indoors or outside in a warm sheltered position, Tradescantia Tricolour (Tradescantia fluminensis 'Tricolour') is also known as Spiderwort, Wandering Jew or even Inch Plant.

Does Tradescantia like to be misted?

Tradescantia thrives in humidity, and they love regular misting. Leaf tips will turn brown without adequate humidity. Placing the plant on a tray of pebbles in water is one way to ensure ambient moisture.

How do I keep Tradescantia purple?

Grow purple heart in full sun for best color development; plants growing in shade tend more to green than purple. Pinch the plants to promote more compact growth. Plants are drought tolerant and thrive on neglect, but also tolerate frequent watering. Fertilize monthly when actively growing.

Should I bottom water Tradescantia?

Tradescantia plants don't like a wet crown. Make sure the pot has drainage holes and allow all excess water to drain out of the bottom. Excess water stuck inside will drown the roots. Or be extra careful, and water from the bottom rather than the top.

Can I Bottom water Tradescantia?

Keep in mind, soil-watering or bottom-watering are the recommended ways to water your Tradescantia on a routine basis, because they are susceptible to stem-rot. Propagate.

Do Tradescantia need deep pots?

Choose a pot that is 1/2 inch larger than the plant's current root ball. Doing so will ensure the root system will soak up the moisture quickly, preventing the plant from setting in soggy soil.

How do I know if my Tradescantia needs water?

Water your Tradescantia Nanouk once a week or when the top inch of the soil is dry. Be careful not to overwater them. Tradescantia Nanouk is less likely to be sensitive to humidity due to its thick leaves. Tradescantia Nanouk prefers temperatures up to 75°F during the day and above 55°F during the night.

Can Tradescantia live in low light?

Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) Most purple houseplants need tons of light to keep their color when kept indoors, but wandering jews will only suffer in a sunny window. They are medium-light indoor plants, so give them bright, filtered sun, and they will do great.

Why does my Tradescantia keep turning brown?

Most Tradescantias prefer indirect bright light indoors, or partial shade outdoors. So the intense, direct sun can burn the sensitive leaves and cause them to turn brown.

Does Tradescantia like the sun?

Tradescantia loves bright light. It will grow in full sun to partial shade outdoors, however, monitor how long they get full sun, particularly if you live in a hot climate. Tradescantia can only take so much heat before it begins to brown. Move it to a location with partial shade or full shade, which it really enjoys.

How do you care for a Tradescantia tricolor indoors?

Water: Water liberally during the growing season but be careful not to leave your Tradescantia sitting in water. Allow the soil to dry out a little between watering but not completely. Reduce watering in winter to keep root rot at bay. Humidity: Tradescantia enjoys a light misting every now and then.

Can you put Tradescantia in the bathroom?

Your bathroom or kitchen would be a great choice for your Tradescantia because it does best in a slightly more humid environment. Feel free to mist your plant frequently. If the humidity is too low the leaves will start to brown. Your Tradescantia will do great in average room temperatures between 60-80°F.

How do I make my Tradescantia more bushy?

Pinching Wandering Jew To Keep It Bushy Pinching is a technique that's commonly used to control the shape and size, and make it bushy. It's also a good way to remove the spent flowers, and keep it looking tidy. To use this technique, simply pinch off the tips of the stems just above a lower node segment.

Should I repot my Tradescantia?

It's best to repot once a year to give a little more space for the roots to grow, but as with everything else to do with this plant, it will still cope living in the same soil for years.

How long do Tradescantia live?

Additionally, Tradescantias have a short life expectancy when compared to other houseplants. The original plant will only survive one to two years. Pruning allows you to propagate your cuttings, making your overall Tradescantia last longer.

How do I make Tradescantia grow faster?

How to Grow Tradescantia Zebrina

  1. Use a well-draining potting mix.
  2. Let it shine in a hanging basket.
  3. Give it plenty of indirect light to keep its stripes.
  4. Don't allow T. zebrina to get too dry between waterings.
  5. Feed it plant food to give it a boost.
  6. Pinch back leggy stems to encourage new, fuller growth.
  7. Grow more T.

Can I leave Tradescantia in water?

Tradescantias have an unmatched will to live: they're fast growers and can survive in various environments. Tradescantia's exceptional abilities mean that they are great candidates for growing in water.

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